Are you a certified sleep consultant?

YES! Not all sleep consultants are certified. I am certified by the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting and have undergone thorough training in sleep science, sleep problems and a wide variety of sleep training methods for babies, toddler and preschoolers. As a certified sleep consultant I am also a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants and have access and continuously keep up to date on the most current information about safe and evidence based sleep.

Why hire a sleep consultant?

Babies are a such a blessing, but with that blessing often comes feelings of stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation. Studies show that sleep troubles in infancy do not get better on their own. So a child will not just “grow out of it.” Sleep troubles in infancy tend to continue into toddlerhood and childhood. The purpose of sleep training is the use of sleep training methods to improve the child’s sleep so they can get the proper sleep they need in order to develop, grow and thrive.

How old does my baby need to be to start sleep training?

It is never too early to start implementing healthy sleep habits. In fact, I strongly encourage this and oftentimes when parents start early on, minimal sleep training interventions are needed. In the early weeks of a child’s life implementing routines and following age-appropriate wake windows will be the most important. Once your baby is around 16 weeks of age we can start applying more formal sleep training techniques.

When can my baby start to sleep through the night?

Most babies can start sleeping through the night between 4-6 months. Before eliminating night feeds many factors need to be taken into consideration such as age, weight, development, and overall health just to name a few. It is always important to discuss with your pediatrician before eliminating night feeds.

Why are your sleep programs 6 and 12 months?

My toddler sleep package is 6 months because with a toddler once we fix the sleep issue and get them sleeping independently through the night in their own bed, a few weeks or months later they usually try to push boundaries. I don’t like to sleep train a child and then leave the parents on their own for when this does occur. By the end of the 6 months you will have all the tips and tricks to deal with any sleep issues that ever arise in the future and you will know exactly how to deal with them.

My sleep packages for babies are 12 months because during the first 18 months of a child’s life there are so many developmental milestones and regressions that occur which affect sleep. There are also a ton of schedule changes, nap transitions, illnesses etc. and I want to ensure that my clients are fully supported through every one of these and sail smoothly through them so that you never encounter a sleep issue again.

Do you guarantee results?

Every sleep plan I make is 100% customized according to the family’s individual needs. I conduct a very thorough assessment of the child, their sleep history, their current sleep situation, environment, health, etc. in order to properly evaluate the situation. By offering long-term unlimited support, I work very closely with my clients to guarantee results.