Sleep is not a luxury.
It is a necessity.

Let’s get you and your family the sleep you need.

Hi, I’m Stephanie!

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

I am a mom of two and I know how it feels to have a child that will not sleep. But I have good news for you …you do not have to feel this way anymore. I can help you. My daughters have changed my life completely and have sparked a passion for sleep and working with families to make sure no one ever goes through what I went through. Together we can get your child sleeping!

“This morning when I laid her down in the crib she was still fully awake. She didn’t fuss, just looked around, laughed then fell asleep after 10 minutes. I thought this was only possible in sleep train ads.”

– Haley

Sleep Programs

Together we can get your child sleeping with unlimited 1-on-1 support


Newborn - 18 months
Get your baby sleeping soundly by teaching them how to fall asleep independently and connect sleep cycles using gentle techniques. We will work 1-on-1 to make sure no upcoming regressions, nap transitions or sicknesses ever affect your baby’s sleep.

Toddler & Preschooler

18 Months & Older
Tailored specifically for toddlers and preschoolers who are fighting bedtime, waking multiple times a night, ready to transition from a crib to a bed, getting out of bed or dropping their nap. Together we will put an end to the shenanigans once in for all.

Multiple Children

2 or More Children
If you have 2 or more children not sleeping or a child not sleeping and pregnant with another one on the way this program will be perfect for you. We will make sure everyone is getting the sleep they need no matter the age with customized plans for each unique child.

Here is just a few of the common sleep concerns we can address to together:

  • Baby needing to be fed, rocked, or held to sleep
  • Bedtime battles
  • Short naps
  • Nap transitions
  • Crib to bed transition
  • Toddler or pre-schooler who will not stay in bed
  • Multiple night wakings
  • Early morning wakings

Book a FREE call to find out more about how I can help you and your family.